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St. Editha's Hall

A flexible, affordable and historic community space in the heart of Tamworth, currently undergoing an ambitious project to fully restore and refurbish the historic fabric and improve accessibility and usability.


The Church Hall, built in 1828, is a much loved and well used community space on College Lane, Tamworth.


Hire the hall

St. Editha's is committed to enabling our whole community to flourish. To that end, we are pleased to offer the hall as usable space for community groups, special events, parties and celebrations, and more. With central location, nearby parking, seating capacity for over 100 people, a fully equipped kitchen, dance floor and accessible washrooms, it is an ideal venue for functions of every kind.


Community space in the centre of Tamworth is very limited, so we are determined that the hall might be used by as many people in the community as possible. To that end, we ensure that rates of hire are extremely competitive and are very flexible with conditions of hire.


For further information on hiring the hall, please get in touch via the "Contacts" page.


Restoration and renewal

The Hall is currently undergoing an ambitious restoration and renewal project, with works projected to start in summer 2024 with the aim of being completed within 2 years. The Hall has for many years suffered from water ingress, structural issues and general disrepair. Happily, the parish is now in a position to address those issues and equip the hall for future use. By the time the project is complete the facilities and accessibility of the hall will be better than ever.


The restoration project is costing in the region of £650,000 and is being supervised by BHB Architects Ltd.


The works are being carried out in three phases:


Phase 1: Roof and waterproofing

This phase involves the complete replacement of the roof and addressing underlying damp issues, making the building warm and watertight.


Phase 2: External decoration and windows

Including the full restoration of the historic glass, re-rendering the front with lime finish and renewing other fixtures and fittings.


Phase 3: Internal improvements and repairs

Centred around the installation of a lift to the first floor, allowing wheelchair access, redecoration and renewal of interior fittings, the installation of refreshment facilities on the first floor.


We are only able to undertake the works thanks to the generosity of donors, both individuals and grant making trusts. For information on how to support the work, please get in touch via the "Contacts" page.


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